Thursday, January 27, 2011

Avoid Antioxidants senile

Senility is one of the conditions are avoided in the elderly. This situation can be prevented by eating nutritious food when people are young. You would never hear the story of a senile boss is furious at everyone in his office because of lost glasses. Though the glasses were perched calmly on his forehead. On a more serious level, the disease may become senile Alzheimer's disease, namely the central nervous system diseases associated with old age. The disease is caused by damage to nerve cells in part of central and lack of production of chemicals needed to send signals (neurotransmitters). 

For fluency task, these neurotransmitters utilize a number of components of certain foods, called precursors. In the Journal of the American Medical Association findings revealed no relationship between antioxidants with dementia. Proven that the antioxidants found in many foods high in vitamin E and C, in addition able to repel attacks and prevent cancer was also able to inhibit the arrival of dementia in old age. According to Marianne J. Engelbert, MD, MSc, epidemiologist from the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, vitamin E and C found in fresh fruits and vegetables are very effective against symptoms of dementia. 

The results of this study have been proven on 5,000 male and female respondents aged about 55 years. The study was conducted in two stages by regulating their diet. In the first study presented, for six years at the beginning of the study, data of respondents did not show any symptoms. But in the six years later 197 people showed symptoms of both respondents, 147 other shows gelaja senile diseases. A second study, conducted in men and women aged 65 years, the results were extraordinary. The researchers found no symptoms of dementia according to the researchers, the efficacy of fresh foods that contain vitamin E and C did not lose efficacy with antioxidant supplements are sold on the free market. Instead of fresh food is more nutritious and certainly does not contain chemicals that harm the body. 

Other facts found in UCLA, a world organization that engages in health in India which found that of turmeric in fact contain a number of chemicals that can reduce the occurrence of inflammation in the brain and prevent dementia. In India alone adds spice turmeric in everyday dishes are common. That's why, that almost the majority of the population free of symptoms of inflammation of the brain and senile. Also foods that contain large amounts of boron that can provide electrical effects in the brain. According to Drs. James Penland of the Human Nutrition Research Center, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture at least our brains need the mineral boron 3 mg per day to keep the brain to work properly. Great mineral can be obtained from beans, broccoli and fruits such as grapes, apples, pears and peaches. 

These foods are sources of zinc (zinc). For example, in 100 grams of oyster turns out to supply the demand of zinc is 20 mg. This mineral can improve the brain's ability to store memory so that memory last longer. Another bonus, the brain becomes easier to concentrate. Protein can provide a calming effect on the brain. Be it vegetable or animal protein. Likewise, foods that contain carbohydrates. Protein may help the brain to work quickly in receiving messages.


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